Poster session
For those who selected ‘poster’ as their preferred mode of presentation for the Joint CMS-Asian Clay Societies Conference in Hawai’i, the following are the instructions to follow:
1. This will be a virtual poster session, held from 15.30–17.30 on Monday 3rd June 2024. We will use ‘Gather.Town’ to host this session; this is software (https://www.gather.town/) which emulates the in-person poster experience. A link to the poster session will be circulated to all delegates in advance of the conference. This can be used to view all of the posters which will be uploaded in advance of the conference. This online forum will allow us to share all of the posters with both our in-person and our many remote delegates and poster presenters. Our Gather.Town site will be free of charge for all delegates to use and all registrants will be able to access the posters 24/7 from the date of posting through September 30, 2024.
2. Posters should be A0 portrait in size/shape. They should be submitted in pdf or jpg format at a resolution of not more that 200 dpi.
3. Posters should be uploaded here: